Behold my kingdom

Hello there. 

Finally, I've ended my personal website. Most of you will think "not a big deal", and probably you will be right. BUT my entire website is built with PURE PHP+Javascript+HTML+CSS, this means there is no Wordpress or some other popular CMS* or framework (neither Bootstrap, the only part I haven't coded is tinyMCE). Note I'm saying "other popular CMS" because the one I'm using is not popular or known - It's my own CMS built with PHP.

I'm still debugging it, bu... [keep reading]

Edited post with long title

Trying to edit this damn post, #23425

Lorem Ipsum

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer faucibus ac mauris nec mattis. Integer vulputate lectus vel sapien rhoncus ultrices. Donec vel nisi interdum, interdum sapien id, fermentum orci. In rutrum maximus tellus, a rhoncus turpis ultrices quis. Sed ultricies augue augue, vel vestibulum v... [keep reading]